If you’re a federal worker who has been injured on the job, you need to know that the federal government is immune to lawsuits regarding your injury. This, however, does not mean that as an employer the federal government is not responsible for providing comprehensive workers compensation to its employees.

If you have been injured on the job, your workers compensation provides for multiple areas of assistance:

  • Injured federal workers receive payment of all medical bills related to the injury. Federal workers can receive full coverage of all expenses from the initial doctors visit to subsequent necessary visits.

  • Your workers compensation provisions can cover out of pocket expenses. These expenses may include medications, bandages, medical braces or other aids that someone might need right away and will need reimbursement for later.

  • Once a worker has recovered from an injury, certain rehabilitation services may be required. Whether its physical rehab or new job training, any expenses related to vocational rehabilitation services should be covered by your federal workers compensation.

  • Injured federal workers are also eligible to receive full wages for the first 45 days after their injury. After 45, workers can contact their workers compensation agency and get filled in on what rate of pay they are qualified to continue receiving.

It is important to be informed about what your workers compensation provisions are under your workers compensations policy. It is also important to have a doctor who understands the process in order to ensure that you get the treatment you need and the expertise necessary to ensure that you have the proper paperwork to get the compensation you deserve.